Parent's Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent's Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Parent's Email Address
Parent's Phone
Warrior's Name
Warrior's Birthday
Must be 16 & up
Warrior's Hospital
Sibling(s) Names and Birthdays if Participating
Must be 16 & up
Who is participating
How did you hear about this event?
Additional Comments?
SMS and Email Opt-In
By checking the box, I give permission to be contacted about Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels by SMS text at my residential or cellular number or provided email address, dialed manually or by autodialer (consent to be contacted is not a condition to participate) and to be contacted via email. I consent to be contacted even if my phone number or email address appears on an Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels Do Not Call / Do Not Email List, a State or National Do Not Call Registry, or any other Do Not Contact List.
Photo Consent
By checking this box, I give my permission for Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels and/or its representatives to use artwork, photographs and/or letters that I provide of my child, my family, and/or myself in publications, slides, videotapes, motion pictures and/or on the Internet. In addition, I hereby give my permission for Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels and/or its representatives to photograph, audio tape record, and/or videotape my child or myself and to use our names, these images or voice recordings in publications, slides, videotapes, motion pictures and/or on the internet. I understand these visual images or voice recordings may be used to inform families, volunteers, donors, the media and general public about Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels programs, services or events. I gladly give this authorization to support the efforts of Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels. I understand this authorization shall continue until terminated in writing. Providing consent is not a requirement in order to participate in Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels programs.
COVID Waiver
By checking this box, I agree to comply with the written instructions below. I, wishing to receive services from Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels or participate in Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels events/programming, hereby acknowledge that it is doing everything it can to protect the public as well myself and my family members in attendance. To this extent, I agree to follow Center of Disease Control (CDC) and local health district guidelines and Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels’ policies and procedures for social distancing to reduce the spread of Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19. This will require me to maintain six (6) feet of distance between myself, fellow families, volunteers, and employees of the organization as much as possible. This procedure will be required for visitor-to-visitor contact as well to limit exposure. I agree to utilize surgical masks, fabric masks, or improvised masks such as scarves, bandanas, and handkerchiefs to reduce the risk of exposure to myself and others. I agree to wash or sanitize my hands after using the restroom, sneezing, and coughing, and before eating or preparing meals or sundries for distribution, and will properly wear and utilize sterile gloves if requested by an Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels team member. Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels is not responsible for any potential exposure to Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, which is not a direct result of gross negligence on the part of its employees, volunteers, or the organization. Failure to comply with these written instructions or verbal instructions from staff may result in my family losing privileges to receive services and/or participate in events/programs and I may be asked to leave the premises.
Attendance Policy
By checking this box, I agree to comply with the written policy below. By completing this form, I am registering for this Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels event. If at any point, I am no longer able to attend the event, I will immediately notify the Amanda Hope team via email ( or phone (602-775-5090). If I do not notify the organization before the event and do not show up at the event, I acknowledge that I will not be allowed to attend the next event. If the behavior continues, I acknowledge that I will be evaluated on an individual basis and may have all event attendance privileges revoked. If there is a medical emergency that causes me/my family to miss an event and I am unable to notify the Amanda Hope team beforehand, I agree to advise the Amanda Hope team at the next available opportunity.
Rules of Conduct
By checking this box, I agree to conduct myself in a polite and respectful manner towards all other attendees, staff, volunteers, and any other individuals when attending an Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels event consistent with core values of the organization.