Thank you for making a difference!

Your support matters

About our Programs

Comfort and Care Counseling

Provide the emotional support needed for families impacted by childhood cancer.

Comfycozy Care Gifts (Every $50 provides a Care Gift to a warrior!)

  1. Comfycozy Care Pack: Send childhood cancer warriors their very own Comfycozy’s for Chemo apparel item specific for them! They will also receive a Mindfulness Kit full of activities to help them through their journey!

    ” A big thank you for the shirt. He is absolutely in love with it! What a difference it makes when we need to access his port.”

  2. Comfort Pack: While our Arizona warriors are in the hospital, we bring backpacks with comfort items and activities to make their stay a little bit easier.

  3. No More Chemo Party Box: Help our Arizona warriors celebrate the best day of treatment – the last day! We provide them with a cinch bag full of party supplies, cake mix, frosting, and a gift card to go get a sweet treat!

Financial Assistance (Every $1,000 sponsors a family for a year!)

Keep the lights on for families going through the darkness of diagnosis and treatment for childhood cancer or another life-threatening illness. Families also receive support with groceries and gas to get to and from the hospital.

“Thank you very much for the help!! Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels is always there to rescue us when we need it most. We are truly blessed to be in your community and grateful to receive your support! We absolutely could not do it without your organization.”

Major Distractions

  • Events (Every $500 sponsors an event!): Bring a little hope and happiness to Arizona childhood cancer warriors’ journeys by allowing them to feel like a kid again! We bring crafts and nail polish into the hospital waiting rooms to distract them before they go see their doctors and we bring the family together for fun days around the valley! Our Major Distractions program also helps:

  • Transplant Room Decorations (Every $150 decorates a transplant room!): You will be the reason warriors’ hospital rooms are decorated prior to a transplant that will keep them isolated to their room for weeks to months at a time.

    “Just being able to see some of the stress and anxiety be lifted a little when the patient enters their transplant room and it is decorated in their chosen theme speaks volumes. Being able to make the hospital a less scary place by making it feel like home is really what Comfy Cozy’s is able to do when providing decorations for these hospital admissions.” – BMT Child Life

  • Meals of Hope (Every $10 provides a meal!): Take away the burden of buying another meal for families staying overnight in the hospital or spending the day in an outpatient clinic

    “I felt so taken care of” “one less thing to worry about” “thank you for coming back”

If you prefer to mail a check, please send it to our office:

Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels

340 E Coronado Rd, Ste 100

Phoenix, AZ 85004

If you prefer to make an ACH withdrawal or donate stock, please contact our team:

602-775-5090 or [email protected]

If you would like to donate crypto, see your options here. 

If you would like to donate crypto, see your options here. 

340 E. Coronado Rd. Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85004

602.775.5090 | [email protected] | EIN 46-2522889 | AZ QCO Code 20854 | United Way 8149361

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